Other Information

The second National Workshop on Accredition of Medical Schools in Egypt Dec.
2003 :Medical Training and Positions Held
,House officer(March 1986-March 1987):in Cairo University Hospitals
:Including a two Month training period in each of the following services
Surgery, Internal Medicine, Gynecology and Obstetric, Emergency and
.Anesthesia, Surgery in National Cancer Institute, Pediatric Surgery
Resident(October 1987-October1990): in the Department of surgery
Cairo University Hospitals, experience included
All branches of Surgery, particularly Vascular Surgery, Gastrointestinal.
General, Cancer, Endocrine, Urology
Emergency and Trauma Surgery.
 Pediatric Surgery Clinical Demonstrator and Senior Registrar(Jan 1993).
In the Emergency and Trauma unit, Cairo University Hospitals, with
further experience in the General and Vascular Surgery after the MD in
general Surgery, November,(1994), Teaching and training for students
house officers, and residents
Fellow of Surgery:in Cairo University
Hospitals, experience included advanced Vascular and Trauma Surgery, and
Laparoscopic Surgery, Teaching and training for the 6thyear Students
house officers, assistant lecturers ,Lecturer of General Surgery: In Cairo University, Bani Suif Branch
Teaching 4th,5th,6th years students the courses of theoretical and clinical Surgery ,
helping in the assessment of the students of Bani Suif Branch
Supervision of post graduate candidates in their work for MS, and MD Theses
:Assistant Professor ( Mrarch 2000 )
in Cairo University, Bani Suif Branch, and then in Bani Suif University
Teaching 4th,5th,6th years students the courses of theoretical and clinical Surgery ,
helping in the assessment of the students of Bani Suif Branch
Supervision of post graduate candidates in their work for MS, and MD Theses
Head In Charge of the Department of surgery , Faculty of Medicine, Bani Suif
Professor of Surgery In March 2005
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (since April 2007)
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (since April 2007)
Dean of Faculty of Medicine (May 2010)
Current Fields of Interest in Surgery
Peripheral arterial diseases and Venous Surgery.
Endovascular Surgery.
Laparoscopic Surgery.
Hepatobiliary Surgery.
Trauma and Emergency Surgery.
Experimental Surgery.
Member of the Following Societies:
Egyptian Medical Syndicate, since 1987.
Egyptian Society of Surgeons, since 1989.
Egyptian Association of Angiology and Vascular Surgery ,since 1998.
International College of Surgeons, since 1998.
International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, since 1998.
Visits and Courses:
Participation and attendance of the live case presentation from Kasr El
Aini Teaching Hospital for the 6th Congress of the Middle East & North
,African Chapter of the International Society of Cardiovascular Surgery
Oct.23-28,( 2002).
The 2nd National Workshop on Accreditation of medical Schools in EgyptIn Collaboration the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office , World Health
Organization. (2003).
,Basic and Advanced Life Support, Emergency Unit
(Cairo University, Egypt (2003
The 3rd National Peripheral Endovascular Surgery Course , Faculty of
Medicine, Ain Shams University . March,13-16,2003
The Endovascular Therapy Section of Egypt: 2nd National Peripheral
(Endovascular Therapy Course & Workshop.(2004
 Workshop for Laparoscopic Surgery, Cairo University Hospitals (2004)
The Workshop on Foam Sclerotherapy at the International Medical
Theses :
M.Sc (Surgery): Infection In Vascular Surgery (1989).
M.D (Surgery) : Preoperative Evaluation Of Carotid Arteries And Cardiac Perfusion.
 (In Patients With Peripheral Vascular Disease (1992).
 In Patients With Peripheral Vascular Disease (1992).